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Platina™ Medical Skin Therapy
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Protocol selector

Protocol selector

Based on the answers to the following questions, we will make a proposal to choose the right protocol for you.

Question 1: Choose your skin type

Type 1: Very light, pale white skin color.
It burns very quickly even in mild sunlight. Lots of freckles, red or blonde hair.
Type 2: Light skin color.
It blushes easily, it hardly tans. A few freckles, light to medium light hair color.
Type 3: Medium brown, beige skin color.
It tans relatively well. Hazel, medium brown hair color.
Type 4: Dark, olive skin color.
It rarely burns, it browns quickly and easily. Brown, dark brown hair.
Type 5: Brown, dark brown skin color.
Holds the sun very well. Black hair.
Type 6: Very dark brown, black skin color.
He can't burn. Black hair.

Question 2: how old are you?
20-39 // 40-55 // 56+

Question 3: do you have easily irritated, sensitive skin?
No // Yes // Uncertain

Question 4: if the answer to question 3 is yes, then name your skin problem.
Chloasma (liver spot)

Question 5: If you have used retinoids, did they irritate you?

Based on your answers to the above questions, we recommend you choose the following protocol.

Protocol A: if you have skin problems and/or have been irritated by retinol in the past, regardless of your skin type and age
Protocol B: if your skin type is 1-3, regardless of age
if your skin type is 4-6, older than 56 years
Protocol C: if your skin type is 4-6, younger than 56 years